Yesterday was an excellent day for purging and today is no exception thirty six records made the heap today as did a number of stained rags which were of less than suitable condition to be of much use.
Also yesterday I was amused to watch a rather attractive woman walking through Home Depot with a toilet seat cover stuck in the back of her jeans she made it half way through the store before she either pulled it out or it fell out I wouldn't know I and two other coworkers were dieing laughing standing just inside one aisle or another. I attempted to get my phone camera to fire but by the time i darted back to take a picture composing myself only slightly in the process she had already freed herself of the extra baggage.
The problems I solve on a daily basis are often interesting and if you have a home improvement dilemma I would be happy to help here as well with recommendations. That is the best part of my job short of playing with heavy machinery on a daily basis.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to gather some items for a family in need and send some others to the salvation army I am still thinking of the family in need and wishing them the best. Their are so many things we loose that cannot be replaced and I am sad to say that the family dog was one of them.
On a brighter note Eric Clapton is lightening the mode in the house with some good old fashioned blues the cradle album is playing his talent and skill combine to make incredible music which will likely fade into some Nora Jones.
I have a fair amount of cleaning left to do today and a fruit platter to complete for my nieces preschool tomorrow nothing like fresh pineapple.
American candidates cookie cutouts molded wax?
It is a sorry state of affairs for democracy in today's day and age it
seems beyond all belief that America left with no other choice continues to
elect th...
12 years ago
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