If you want to clear some clutter and feel better about all the things you start and never finish here is a fantastic way to start and I have begun working diligently on my list. Find the first annoying project that you have never finished or even started.
Time is really short everyone knows that so here we go I have begun adding a layer of insulation to my attic floor I have been bringing home rolls of insulation on a regular basis as they have been at a fantastic price on clearance at home Depot. Living in New England means you pay a substantial chunk of change for heating all winter the first minor project I did was to wrap the Hot Water heater that reduced our Electric bill around 8 dollars a month right of the bat and kept the water hotter longer. I did not buy the standard thin blanket they sell in stores instead I spent even less by using a regular roll of insulation and framing in around the hot water heater with a simple 2x4 box nothing complicated just a frame around it in my basement then stuffed in the insulation it has already paid for itself and has begun putting cash back in our pockets.
Today's project however is to use the four or five rolls of insulation under the attic floor to reduce lost heat through the upstairs part of the house. A quick spell check and I will be off its 8:31 now lets see how long that project I have been putting off will really take? Wow no spelling errors off for a cup of coffee and then on with the rubber gloves and long sleeve shirt. 8:32. Well Thirty minutes have passed and I have insulated about a sixty square foot area doubling up on insulation to bring it to the joists and filling a twenty foot section of one wall. I also filled one large trash bag with debree and now will have to take a nice hot shower to get off all the insulation and be ready for work later.
American candidates cookie cutouts molded wax?
It is a sorry state of affairs for democracy in today's day and age it
seems beyond all belief that America left with no other choice continues to
elect th...
12 years ago
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