Sunday, May 29, 2011

Heat lighting in clear skys with soft cold grass underfoot

A brief walk around beneath the starlit night heat lightning echoes across the sky brightening up the night like daylight in one brief flash after another.
The grass was cold damp and soft underfoot on my sore feet it was a connection to the world and those around me that I have not felt in a while. As a long weekend lights and laughter echoed off far in the distance and lights glowed up and down the street.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wake up and take life by the reigns choose a new direction and find passion

Awaking after several weeks of nearly non stop rain fog overcast sky's and dribble or drizzle if you prefer. I did not find I was tired or sad instead I found that for the first time in a long time I was at peace.

When the storm broke and the sun finally showed itself I found myself looking out on a lush and overgrown lawn I saw not work desperately needing to be done but a world awakening to spring and all that is good in the world.

Flowers blooming birds singing and the trees coming alive in color especially among the cherry trees apples and lilacs. I found not that I was missing something as life had taken so many nasty turns instead I found that I was awake alive and feeling passionate about my life my home and all the good that I had achieved funneled through me bringing about a feeling of great satisfaction.

I spend so much of my time working but need to find balance. Attitude effects everything and what we say we can't really take back. So we need to be kind whenever possible humble when successful, resilient to adversity and live every day like it may be our last.