Monday, April 12, 2010

don't cry over spilled milk

Lets see I knocked over my milk and shes cleaning it up
What should I do now?
I know I'll pick up my bowl and
And go back to eating while Monica cleans it up

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Clown shoes Paint Brushes Time and Creativity with great toast

I have painted at one time or another for most of my adult and adolecent life. At times I have stoped for long periods at a time not holding a brush for months or years at a time. As the regularity of day to day life seemed to draw out all the positive and negative energy which an artist needs to have feeling in their work like anything in the world without heart it falls short.

Over the last week i have completed several paintings and have restarted a number more. Art supplies are strewn around the house already as I struggle to bring them together mixing mediums and methods all working at the same time to try to draw somthing out of myself that used to be so ingrained I thought it would never leave me.

I have one that I have been continualy repainting over and over and again I definitly understand why an artist would burn canvas but what if its the one with the hiden masterpiece burred below a quarter inch of layers painted and repainted. You can know if you dont give up trying maybee...

The most simple of meals can always make an impact deep within the soul the body or the mind the senses and sensations of a simple food like toast with a specific jam or jelly with a clasic coat of butter and honey. Why can a piece of toast wake somthing because it brings back the sensations and wake a part of a person reminding them perhaps not directly but indirectly of a passion or a thought or somthing deep and burried ideas and knowlege are awoken even if just on a sub level. Good toast has always seemed better with a paint brush. Just like a song can make you sing or dance or even just wiggle especialy if you are rythm challenged. Not that I am the proverbial man dancing on everyones feet in giant clown shoes...

When I think of all the time I have not spent working but have twiddled away doing this or that it makes me a bit angry with myself. Be that as it may it occured to me how many people there are out there playing farmivlille or some similar game on a webpage investing hours and hours of time in fictional characters all the while missing out on their own creativity and inspirations. I have not been inspired in any way by these games but have seen many myself included waist hours and hours of time in mindless abandon. ohh im ranting again... Any way the conclusion I draw from all of this is that these are often one of very few choices the working class get to make on a very real level where they can succede or feel that they acomplish somthing which they can value and win no maybee achieve somthing. My feeling is that so many of us connect to these types of things on a sub level giving our over cooked brains the feeling if only for a few hours of control and freedom from outside control.

I think that is why many react very badly when a bad thing hapens in a game or the service changes or ends. War of Warcraft alone has  a 2.2 billion dollar market share in selling an alternate reality. Second life offers a similar world where you can build and sell anything you can think up create and or add animations to. Like when aol was young and offered the opportunity to reinvent yourself on the internet. Lying was and probably still is widespread throughout the internet.

I dont know what do you think?

Monday, March 1, 2010

The world is a pickle and my University is full of dips

Sometimes I wish the world was a giant pickle so I could eat it and fill up on dilly goodness. On the other hand I do enjoy a dill pickled green bean much better and they are much more crunchy after they are canned a while.

I have not acomplished much today just payed for Global economy at University. I was not pleased with them much as I recieved an email late sunday nite notifying me that I couldnt enroll in a class because I did not meet the prerequisits. Heres the interesting part they did not tell me what class or what prerequisit i hadnt met . That seems a bit lazy to me. how hard is it to add a course and name to a notification. So I responded in kind with a response email that was heated at best. So what do they do but call me on my cell phone while of course Im on the toilet. for what else but a comfy little confrence call with both schedulers at the university. Too chicken to just call me and tell me to deal with the problem.

Mind you I have three classes left to grandify my exit with a third economics class a single elective which I NEED to be in accounting to sit for the CPA. and finaly a nice introduction to college class to finish my degree 103 YAY what a waste of opportunity it makes me cringe I always want to say fringe that I could be learning somthing I can use and actualy benefit from .....

Well so what do they tell me but that Its not Global economy but a class I was recomended to take by one of them. When you look under the surface it seems ubsurd to me that they cant even comunicate in course names but in IB232 language. Tell me the stinken class. Neither one of them bothered to read the file or farmilurize themselves with it. no instead lets just wing it. Great teaching method hmmmm grumbling

Anyway after all that I do what I always do research so I open up the worst college Catalague I have ever seen i mean this thing is infuriating .... I have seen a number of well done ones this one is the absolute worst the class descriptions are spread throught the book and not in alphabetical order I might add. I find the class which states prereq ec214 or teacher aproval....... Why couldnt they just ask her if i could take the class or sugest it even. then they tell me it will need the deans aproval. If the teacher aproves it whats the problem? why say with a teachers aproval and not the dean..... Grrr i just dont get it who exactly works for who Im a student not a puching bag and I pay them allot of money to do very little in return.

It frustrates me that they are supposed to be there to help you.... thats their job not to make money for the college although they can do that by simply helping the student who will in turn be more likely to stay and take more classes with them... Its just sad it makes me feel realy not great about it.....

So next week I will have to fix the nuty little problem by simply visiting a teacher with a form letter requesting to take the class and draft another letter to the dean which states all the wonderful changes I am looking to make in my fabulous final adventures/////

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Extra Underwear and how to repair dresser drawer slides and stops

Got a drawer that falls backwards into the dresser or that falls down when you slide it in here is a method to correct it ....

You will need
A tack hammer
a paint stick or other thin pieces of wood
a hand saw or utility knife
A sharp saw or chop saw will work but for best results cut the strips about two inches and drive a tack into either side
Paint sticks may split so you may want several extras.
I start the tacks on the board to simplify installation.
some regular sized upholstery tacks long enough to go through and in about the thickness of a paint stick times two. You can use nails in a pinch but they have to be bent over and are more likely to cause problems.
Pull out the drawer and look up this is a drawer stop a simple solution to stop the drawer from sliding backwards.
if the stop is missing theire is only one side on the drawer a new stop installed the thickness of the drawer front away from the front of the dresser = just measure the front of the drawer. from the top and set the edge starting where the drawer should be stoping
Tack the strip in place with a tac hammer and test the drawer.
While you have it out take a look at the slide where the drawer sits in the dresser If the slide is not there as you can see in the lower right hand side you need a thin flat square piece of wood maybee 3/4 of an inch thick  a replacement would be nailed in flush and level to where the drawer would sit.
the best maitenece for drawer slides is A traditional bar of ivory soap which eases the friction between the slide and the bottom of the drawer just rub it on like a fat crayon allong the bottom of the drawer and the slide.

to avoid showing the dresser upside down i have installed a stop on the bottom of the drawer for the photo I do not recomend ever installing stops on the bottom of the drawer as it can damage the drawer the top is always best and if the slides are level and not worn away they will keep the drawer square and straight.

Not so even and Nice and even

This dresser cost 55.00 at an auction with a buyers premium it is not very well refinished and has all the wrong pulls but it is functional and will look great redone with the correct pulls or knobs and filled holes. I know people who buy new I dont but If you need any tips or have any questions drop me a comment

If you have squeeking drawers or are having problems with your drawers not sliding in and out easily the solution is simple and costs pennies or less.....Rub a bar of soap allong the bottom of the drawer slides and the bottom of the drawer runners
The soap will lubricate the drawers and they will slide quietly and easily.

My neice who is four donned an extra pair of underwear today sticking out of her pants and walking around with them hanging out.

I repaired a chair leg and a set of dresser drawers today I will try to answer qustions if anyone asks .

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Almost Famous and Elton Johns Tiny Dancer

Today feels like a day from a book everything seemed so surreal. Snow thick soft and heavy falling all around flashing against the tree lines and covering everything in a blanket of clean white fluffing.

There is something in the air like the music from almost famous which seems enhanced and ties in softly with the background something is changing freedom is ending. But the world seems so full of potential and energy.

Anything is possible going forward there will always be slip ups and hard falls from grace but all the turmoil and how we handle it defines who we are as people there is no way to appreciate what we have fully until we are on the brink of loosing it or finding it unfurfiling at our weakest moments.

Falling income changing priorities and moving in many directions at the same time our generations find themselves cast out of the workplace and into our homes women being less effected than men and long happy childhoods seem to have been lost to computers and video games. Our children are not smarter or dumber but exist in a way vastly different from the homes we grew up in.

It seems to me society has found itself in a bit of a rut, I watch as our countries leadership or lead-er-dip pay little to no attention to the common man spending money at alarming rates with little to no grasp of what anyone wants.

I watch as the fail to change or evolve in any way to show transparency at the federal reserve which has been said to have leveraged close to 90 trillion in new un- described debt over the last few years. But has been reinstated without answering to anyone because they feel they are allowed to operate outside of public scrutiny as they are not subject to do anything congress tells them or asks them to.

I am unsure of what or why things can continue like this with little in the way of accountability. It amazes me however how negative both sides look at the tea parties being thrown around this country.