Sunday, May 29, 2016

1890's Victorian porch rebuilding . Reusing as much of the old world lumber as possible

This is a beautiful old home the hearty old species pine they used to build the porch is heavy in natural turpentine which keeps the ants and other bugs out. but years of water damage and neglect rotted out all the railings. 
I built 2x4 frames and worked some pine with the router to get similar embellishments and holders to tie everything together. 
I have scavenged materials from all over the house re-purposing similar material to maximize sustainability.  
Cleaning up the period fascia catching all the material in tarps or rolls of plastic then vacuuming thoroughly. I scraped these by hand then went over everything with a sanding block knocking everything as smooth as possible and cleaning up loose bits wherever possible. 
The effect in primer alone is amazing hours of effort begin to take shape. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wrapped in a waffle of peace lost to poetic dissonance

Its lonely here tonight while I would like nothing less than to wander into a place of commodore and personal discourse. I have been eluding the drama for comfortable silence. Music of a thoughtful contemplation plays simply but resonates much deeper.

Loneliness can be like a warm blanket if you let it becoming completely transcendent of the lower feelings it brings. Anything accepted can be moved on from its denial often only makes a thing bigger.