Do you ever wonder why you are feeling bad are you in a rut and just can't ever seem to get out of it? Well the solution is easier than you may think.
An affirmative or positive thought is much more powerful than a negative thought. If you are feeling down or unhappy with your current state of affairs no matter how bad things are, as soon as you begin to think positivly you will start to move forward you will smilie more atract positive people and positive events. The biggest difference between sucess and failure is attitude.
As it was said life is ten percent chance and ninty percent attitude that mantra is the truth. I have gone through a terrible time this year. I am not suffering I am not negative instead I have focused on the good. Mountains of debt divorce death no matter what the event is dwelling in the bad will bring more bad. If you look for negative events you will see them in abundance. On the other hand if you look for the good and commit to being positive and feeling good you will begin to feel a change on a deeper level.
You will stop complaining about events other people and the effect they have on you and will begin to focus on the things in your life you can be grateful for as soon as you envision your goals and visualize positivly you will find opportunities that you had since then overlooked.
American candidates cookie cutouts molded wax?
It is a sorry state of affairs for democracy in today's day and age it
seems beyond all belief that America left with no other choice continues to
elect th...
12 years ago